Australian Society and Politics
You can’t think (or write, or speak) about an economy without also having a sense of the broader social and economic framework in which it operates. I try very hard to avoid partisan political commentary, but I do sometimes feel moved to write or talk about social or political developments.
New Fiscal Possibilities
Australian Society and Politics | 12th September 2008Talk to the Australia & New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) Annual Conference 2008 – ‘Making Federalism Work’), 12th September 2008
Three Seemingly Unrelated Propositions Concerning Australia’s Identity and Economic Performance
Australian Society and Politics | 6th September 2005An address to The Royal Society of Tasmania, 6th September 2005
On the importance which Australians attach to sport
Australian Society and Politics, Publications | 18th March 2001In March 2001, I gave a talk to the Melbourne Media Club in which, as a final observation after talking at some length about a range of topical economic issues, and having been enjoined by the hosts to be ‘provocative’, I drew a link between the record low to which the Australian dollar was then […]