Australian Society and Politics
You can’t think (or write, or speak) about an economy without also having a sense of the broader social and economic framework in which it operates. I try very hard to avoid partisan political commentary, but I do sometimes feel moved to write or talk about social or political developments.
Should unvaccinated Australians pay a higher medicare levy?
Australian Society and Politics, News, Recent Media Interview | 29th November 2021In interviews with Sydney radio 2GB’s Ben Fordham, and Newcastle Radio 2HD’s Brent Bultitude, Saul explains his proposition that people who choose not to be vaccinated against Covid-19 could pay a ‘medicare levy surcharge’, similar to the one imposed by the Howard Government on people with incomes of over $90,000 per annum who choose not […]
What impact will the government’s decision to open Australia’s borders to skilled migrants and students have on wages and house prices?
Australian Society and Politics, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 22nd November 2021Interview with David Lipson on ABC Radio’s “PM” program on 22nd November 2021
What to do about Housing Affordability
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Video, Housing | 17th November 2021This week I ‘appeared’ (virtually) before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue’s Inquiry into Housing Affordability and Supply. You can read my opening statement to the committee and view the recording of my Q&A with the Committee here.
Submission to a Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Commonwealth Government support for Victoria
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies | 13th November 2021Saul’s submission to the Inquiry being conducted by the Victorian Legislative Assembly’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee into Commonwealth Support for Victoria, which focuses on the consequences of the changes to the long-standing arrangements for determining the distribution of revenue from the GST among the states and territories, imposed by the Morrison Government in 2018 at […]
The Economic Benefits of ‘Closing the Gap’ in Tasmania
Australian Society and Politics, Tasmania | 29th October 2021Presentation to a form hosted by Reconciliation Tasmania in Hobart on 29th October 2021, looking at the possible benefits to the broader economy of ‘closing the gap’ between Aboriginal (palawa) and other Tasmanians
Australia’s housing affordability crisis
Australian Society and Politics, Housing, News | 13th October 2021Saul was interviewed for a special feature from the BBC World Service’s World Business Report on 13th October 2021
Social Policy in the post-Covid World
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing, News | 4th October 2021A presentation to the Board of the Australian Council to Homeless Persons, focussing on housing affordability (for both buyers and renters), income support for unemployed people and poverty reduction, and ‘fiscal sustainability’ for the Commonwealth and state & territory governments.
The “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 28th September 2021Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin about Tasmania’s Treasury’s findings regarding the “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government regarding the distribution of GST revenue among the states and territories, 28th September 2021