Economic Policies
The Nobel Prize winning economist James Tobin once said that the study of economics “offered the hope, as it still does, that improved understanding could better the lot of mankind”. One of the ways in which it does this is through the implementation of economic policy that helps to ameliorate boom-and-bust cycles, reduces unemployment, contains inflation or lifts people’s living standards in sustainable ways.
Reflections on the 2016-17 Federal Budget
Economic Policies, Publications | 5th May 2016Saul Eslake | The Conversation | 5th May 2016 This is a longer version of Saul Eslake’s take on the budget, on why negative gearing is still the elephant in the room for the government.Scott Morrison is very keen for his first budget to be viewed as “not just another budget” – to the point of […]
Infrastructure investment
Economic Policies | 14th August 2015Opening Statement to the Senate Economics Committee’s Inquiry into Investment in and Planning of Infrastructure, 14th August 2015
Economic policy, Australia’s economic performance and this year’s Federal Budget
Economic Policies | 25th May 2015Talk to Year 11 & 12 Economics Students at the Hutchins School, Hobart, 25th May 2015
The ‘right’ way to return the Budget to surplus
Economic Policies | 15th March 2014Article published in ‘The Melbourne Anglican’, March 2014
A wide-ranging conversation on economic policy, housing policy, taxation reform, security and being an economist
Economic Policies, News, Profile | 13th August 2013Michael Short | The Zone | 13th Aug 2013 ‘Interview with Michael Short, opinion page editor of the Melbourne Age newspaper, published in his column ‘The Zone’ Michael Short: Saul Eslake, welcome to The Zone. Thank you for your time. You have been one of Australia’s leading economists and public policy analysts for a quarter […]
Productivity and inclusive growth
Economic Policies, Productivity | 1st July 2013Chapter 5 in Paul Smyth and John Buchanan (eds), Inclusive Growth in Australia, Allen & Unwin (2013) (for more on this book see here or here).
I’m not a protectionist, but …
Economic Policies | 31st August 2011Op-ed article published in the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers on 31st August 2011
Transparency in Trade Policy
Economic Policies | 13th July 2011Remarks at a Panel Discussion on ‘The Future of Trade Policy’ at the 40th Conference of Economists, Australian National University, Canberra, 13th July 2011