Outlook for Asian economies
Asian Economies | 4th July 2007Presentation to the International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists (ICCBE) in Madrid, Spain, 4th July 2007
Philanthropy and the Arts
Publications, The Arts | 30th June 2007Article originally published in Island magazine in 2007
Financial implications of an ageing population
The Australian Economy | 25th May 2007Presentation to Aged & Community Care Victoria’s State Congress and Trade Exhibition, 25th May 2007
‘Commuting the Death Sentence’: The Role of Editors in the Australian Economy
Economics and Economists | 11th May 2007Talk to the Third National Conference of Professional Editors, Hobart, 11th May 2007
New Threats to Globalization
Globalization | 12th April 2007Address to the 20th Asian Trade Promotion Forum, the Sydney Opera House, 12th April 2007
Productivity, Prosperity and Tasmanian Living Standards
Tasmania | 26th February 2007Presentation to a lunch hosted by the Tasmanian Liberals, 26th February 2007
The Australian Economy
The Australian Economy | 15th January 2007Presentation to Economics and Politics students from the University of Delaware (who were visiting Australia as part of their course), 15th January 2007 (this is a general introduction to the Australian economy including a compare-and-contrast with the US economy)
Whatever happened to the productivity revolution?
Productivity, Security | 10th January 2007Op-ed article published in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10th January 2007