Taxation is an important part of economic policy – not only in raising revenue for governments to spend, but also in influencing private saving, investment and spending decisions, and for affecting the distribution of income and wealth. Decisions as to what is (or isn’t taxed), and at what rate, are always controversial, and sometimes have unintended consequences.
The case against negative gearing
Publications, Taxation | 18th February 2016Op-ed article published in the Australian Financial Review, 18th February 2016, alongside an opposing viewpoint from Ken Morrison, CEO of the Property Council of Australia
Reforming the Australian Taxation System: A Principled Approach
Taxation | 22nd September 2015Address to the Australian Financial Review’s Tax Reform Summit, 22nd September 2015
Small businesses aren’t really the ‘engine room’ of the economy, and don’t deserve preferential tax treatment
Taxation | 15th August 2015Article published in ‘Management Today’, the magazine of the Australian Institute of Management, August 2015
Reflections on the October 2011 Tax Forum
Taxation | 12th October 2011Article published in the Melbourne Age, and in the online edition of the Sydney Morning Herald, 12th October 2011
Australia’s Tax Reform Challenge
Taxation | 21st September 2011Australian Parliamentary Library Lecture, 21st September 2011
The case against negative gearing …
Publications, Taxation | 25th April 2011Op-ed article published in the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers, 25th April 2011
A tax system that penalizes working & saving, and rewards borrowing & speculating
Publications, Taxation | 30th March 2011Op-ed article published in the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers, 30th March 2011
Observations on the proposed temporary tax levy to pay for repairs and reconstruction after the 2011 Queensland floods
Taxation | 11th March 2011Statement to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee hearing on a proposed income tax levy, 11th March 2011