Welcome to my website. Here you’ll find a bit about me and my work as an economist. My most recent articles, talks and presentations can be found here, while there is a more complete archive, organized by topics, here. Other links below will take you to things that other people are saying, either about me or about topics in which I also have an interest.
I offer professional services (writing, speaking, advisory etc.) through my own consultancy business, Corinna Economic Advisory.
In addition to running that business, since April 2016 I’ve had a part-time role as a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Tasmania.
Since June 2020 I’ve been an Associate of Llewellyn Consulting, a London-based independent economics advisory specializing in thought leadership, strategic research and analysis.
Since 2003 I’ve been a member of the International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists (ICCBE), a group of current and former chief economists of commercial banks which was originally established in 1937.
I am a member of the panel of expert advisors to Australia’s Parliamentary Budget Office, which provides independent and non-partisan analysis of the budget cycle, fiscal policy and the financial implications of proposals to members of Australia’s national Parliament; and a member of the independent expert panel advising the Australian Taxation Office on its ‘tax gap estimates‘. I am also a member of the Advisory Board of Jamieson Coote Bonds, a funds management business based in Melbourne and specializing in government bonds.
Please feel free to get in touch with me using the contact me link.
Saul Eslake