Commodities – agricultural products, minerals, metals and energy – are far more important to Australia than they are to most other ‘advanced’ economies. The direction of commodity prices is a key influence on the Australian economy, and (usually) on the Australian dollar.
The Economic Big Picture
Commodities, The Global Economy | 29th May 2018Presentation to the 2018 Resources ‘Rising Stars’ conference on the Gold Coast, Queensland, on 29th May 2018. Looks at trends in the world economy and implications for commodity prices.
Economic Trends and Opportunities for Australian Agriculture
Commodities, The Australian Economy | 12th September 2017Presentation to a Farm Business Update hosted by the Grains Research and Development Corporation in Adelaide, 12th September 2017
The Asian Century, Minerals & Energy and the Australian Economy
Commodities | 10th November 2015Presentation to the International Mining and Resources Conference, Melbourne, 10th November 2015
The ‘Shale Revolution’
Commodities | 17th July 2013Presentation to the International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists in Capetown, South Africa, in July 2013
Commodity Prices
Commodities | 23rd June 2011Paper presented to the International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists, 23rd June 2011