I did most of my education in Tasmania and, after spending almost 34 years on what Tasmanians call ‘the mainland’, returned to Tasmania in December 2014. Both while I was living away, and since returning, I’ve maintained a keen interest in the progress (or, at times, lack of it) of Australia’s smallest state. The pieces here represent some of my efforts to advocate for policies which, in my opinion, would result in a stronger Tasmanian economy and improved living standards for Tasmanians.

Will reductions in land tax make any difference to rents?
Tasmania, Taxation | 2nd March 2022The Tasmanian Government’s announcement, in the first week of March 2022, of forthcoming changes to the land tax scale have prompted a raft of commentary, much of it not very well informed, on the effects of land tax and the likely impact of the changes proposed by the Government on rents. This note explains why […]
The importance of improving educational participation and attainment
Education, News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 24th February 2022Saul Eslake talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin about the importance of improving educational participation and attainment if Tasmanians are to achieve sustainably higher real wages.
Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin
Housing, News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 7th February 2022Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin about Tasmania’s economy both before and after the re-opening of the state’s borders on 15th December last, and about the downsides of the ongoing rapid escalation in property prices in Tasmania.
Housing affordability and what could be done about it
Economic Policies, Housing, News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 7th December 2021Saul Eslake talks to ABC Radio Hobart Mornings‘ Leon Compton about housing affordabilty and what could be done about it
The Advocate supports my calls for more economic reform to improve Tasmanians’ living standards
Economic Policies, News, Tasmania | 3rd December 2021Thank you to the editor of The Advocate, the daily newspaper from the north-west coast of Tasmania, for supporting my calls for more economic reform in Tasmania to lift the living standards of Tasmanians
‘Minding the store’? Or ‘building a bigger and better store’?
Economic Policies, Tasmania, The Australian Economy | 3rd December 2021Saul’s presentation to the Economic Society of Australia’s annual Tasmanian Economic Forum in Hobart on 3rd December. Tasmania’s economic performance has improved considerably in recent years – and the current state government is entitled to claim some of the credit for that. It’s done a good job of ‘minding the store’ since being elected in […]
Tasmania records strong economic growth in 2020-21 but remains Australia’s poorest state
News, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 23rd November 2021Saul discusses the findings of the latest ABS State Accounts for the 2020-21 financial year with Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin on 22nd November
The Economic Benefits of ‘Closing the Gap’ in Tasmania
Australian Society and Politics, Tasmania | 29th October 2021Presentation to a form hosted by Reconciliation Tasmania in Hobart on 29th October 2021, looking at the possible benefits to the broader economy of ‘closing the gap’ between Aboriginal (palawa) and other Tasmanians