Australian Society and Politics
You can’t think (or write, or speak) about an economy without also having a sense of the broader social and economic framework in which it operates. I try very hard to avoid partisan political commentary, but I do sometimes feel moved to write or talk about social or political developments.
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of Horizontal Fiscal Equalization
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies | 10th November 2017The Productivity Commission (PC) is conducting a review of the way in which the revenue from Australia’s goods and services tax (GST) is shared among Australia’s States and Territories, with a view to evening out their capacity to provide a similar range and standard of public services to their citizens, having regard both to differences […]
Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on the GST revenue distribution formula
Australian Society and Politics, News | 10th October 2017Brian Carlton | Tasmania Talks | 10th October 2017 Interview with Northern Tasmania commercial radio’s Brian Carlton on the Productivity Commission’s draft report into the distribution of revenue from the GST among Australia’s State and Territory Governments (otherwise known as ‘horizontal fiscal equalization’), 10th October 2017 A productivity commission report has recommended that changes be […]
Inequality, Inefficiency and Australia’s System of ‘Horizontal Fiscal Equalization’
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies | 29th August 2017Keynote address to a Workshop on Federal Relations and Tax Reform hosted by the University of Adelaide’s School of Economics, in Adelaide on 29th August.
Ethical Conversations – a Challenge for Boards?
Australian Society and Politics, Tasmania | 9th February 2017Keynote address to a forum for public sector board members, hosted by the Integrity Commission of Tasmania
Financial Inclusion, Women and the Economy
Australian Society and Politics | 25th November 2016Address to Good Shepherd Micro-Finance’s ‘Resilient Women’ Summit, 25th November 2016
The Role of Audit Commissions
Australian Society and Politics | 3rd February 2014Notes for a talk at the launch of ‘Reviewing the Reviewers’ by Scott Prasser and Kate Jones, Carlton, 3rd February 2014
The Meaning of ‘Thank you for your patience’
Australian Society and Politics, Publications | 18th June 2013Article published in “Management Today” (the monthly journal of the Australian Institute of Management), June 2013
The ‘Asian Century’ – Implications for Australia and for Melbourne
Australian Society and Politics, The Australian Economy | 26th October 2012Address to the Metro Planning Strategy Joint Industry Symposium, Melbourne, 26th October 2012