Economic Policies
The Nobel Prize winning economist James Tobin once said that the study of economics “offered the hope, as it still does, that improved understanding could better the lot of mankind”. One of the ways in which it does this is through the implementation of economic policy that helps to ameliorate boom-and-bust cycles, reduces unemployment, contains inflation or lifts people’s living standards in sustainable ways.
A (very brief) radio piece on ‘Modern Monetary Theory’
Economic Policies, News | 27th July 2020Interview with ABC Radio National’s Senior Business Correspondent Sheryle Bagwell about ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ on Monday 21st July.
Review of the Parliamentary Budget Office’s latest medium-term budget projections
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 6th September 2018Commentary published by The Conversation website on 6th September 2018
The Australian Government’s ‘backflip’ on raising the pension age to 70
Economic Policies, News, Publications | 5th September 2018Commentary published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on 5th September
Global and Australian Economies – Searching for Growth
Economic Policies, The Australian Economy | 25th June 2018Address to the Australian Davos Connection’s Australian Leadership Retreat, Gold Coast, Queensland, 22nd June 2018
The 2018-19 Australian Government Budget – an Assessment
Economic Policies, The Australian Economy | 11th May 2018Presentation to a breakfast hosted by the ACT Branch of the Economic Society of Australia, Canberra, 11th May 2018
The pros and cons of cutting company income tax
Economic Policies | 10th May 2018Richard Aedy | ABC Radio National Breakfast | 10th May 2018 Interview with ABC Radio National’s The Money program hosted by Richard Aedy, broadcast on Thursday 10th May 2018