Economic Policies
The Nobel Prize winning economist James Tobin once said that the study of economics “offered the hope, as it still does, that improved understanding could better the lot of mankind”. One of the ways in which it does this is through the implementation of economic policy that helps to ameliorate boom-and-bust cycles, reduces unemployment, contains inflation or lifts people’s living standards in sustainable ways.
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2021-2022
Economic Policies, News, Recent Media Interview, The Australian Economy | 7th December 2021Saul talks to ABC Radio National‘s Peter Ryan about Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2021-2022
The Advocate supports my calls for more economic reform to improve Tasmanians’ living standards
Economic Policies, News, Tasmania | 3rd December 2021Thank you to the editor of The Advocate, the daily newspaper from the north-west coast of Tasmania, for supporting my calls for more economic reform in Tasmania to lift the living standards of Tasmanians
‘Minding the store’? Or ‘building a bigger and better store’?
Economic Policies, Tasmania, The Australian Economy | 3rd December 2021Saul’s presentation to the Economic Society of Australia’s annual Tasmanian Economic Forum in Hobart on 3rd December. Tasmania’s economic performance has improved considerably in recent years – and the current state government is entitled to claim some of the credit for that. It’s done a good job of ‘minding the store’ since being elected in […]
Submission to a Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Commonwealth Government support for Victoria
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies | 13th November 2021Saul’s submission to the Inquiry being conducted by the Victorian Legislative Assembly’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee into Commonwealth Support for Victoria, which focuses on the consequences of the changes to the long-standing arrangements for determining the distribution of revenue from the GST among the states and territories, imposed by the Morrison Government in 2018 at […]
Social Policy in the post-Covid World
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Housing, News | 4th October 2021A presentation to the Board of the Australian Council to Homeless Persons, focussing on housing affordability (for both buyers and renters), income support for unemployed people and poverty reduction, and ‘fiscal sustainability’ for the Commonwealth and state & territory governments.
Fiscal Policy and Public Debt
Economic Policies, Economic Video | 2nd October 2021 Login or subscribe to view the full video and presentation slides Login Subcribe In this webinar Saul focuse public debt. How worried should we be about the increase in the amount of debt incurred by Australia’s federal and state governments since the onset of Covid-19? Is it important that public debt be “paid off” […]
Video and Presentation Slides: Fiscal Policy and Public Debt
Economic Policies | 29th September 2021Saul Eslake’s webinar on fiscal policy and public debt. How worried should we be about the increase in the amount of debt incurred by Australia’s federal and state governments since the onset of Covid-19? Is it important that public debt be “paid off” at some point in the future? What criteria should we use to judge whether any given level of public debt is “sustainable”? If the level of public debt is, or were to become “unsustainable”, what could or should be done?
The “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government
Australian Society and Politics, Economic Policies, Recent Media Interview, Tasmania | 28th September 2021Saul talks to Tasmania Talks’ Mike O’Loughlin about Tasmania’s Treasury’s findings regarding the “corrupt bargain” imposed by the Morrison Government regarding the distribution of GST revenue among the states and territories, 28th September 2021