The Global Economy
Australia may be an island continent, but it is no more immune to global economic influences than are other countries which share physical borders with their nearest neighbours. Australia is very much exposed to global swings in commodity prices, and to fluctuations in major advanced economies and (increasingly) to business cycles in key emerging economies such as China. Australia’s financial markets are increasingly integrated with the their global counterparts. And Australian economic policy-makers cannot ignore changes in monetary, fiscal and other economic policy settings in the world’s major economies. Hence, an awareness of trends in the global economy is an essential element of understanding Australian economic conditions.
Excerpt: Modern Monetary Theory
Economic Policies, Economics and Economists, QE & MMT, The Global Economy | 25th August 2021Login or subscribe to view the full video and presentation slides Login Subcribe Some commentators seem to think that ‘QE’ is simply a variant of, or a step along the road to, something called ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ or ‘MMT’. It isn’t: and so in the second part of this series Saul explains what MMT is […]
Video & Presentation Slides: Modern Monetary Theory
Economic Policies, Economics and Economists, The Global Economy | 25th August 2021In this webinar Saul will explain what MMT is (and what it isn’t), what the historical record shows about how it might work in practice, and what some of the results might be if it were implemented in current circumstances.
Video & Presentation Slides: What is ‘QE’, and how does it work?
Economic Policies, Economics and Economists, QE & MMT, The Global Economy | 29th July 2021In this webinar Saul will explain exactly what ‘QE’ is, how its done, why central banks are doing it, what its intended and unintended effects are, and how long central banks might keep doing it for.
Where does the ‘excess US stimulus’ show up – in higher inflation or a bigger current account deficit
Economic Policies, The Global Economy | 3rd June 2021A note co-authored with John Llewellyn of Llewellyn Consulting which asks where the ‘excess demand’ resulting from the extraordinary amount of policy stimulus now being applied to the US economy will show up – in inflation (which is where the financial markets and most pundits appear to be looking) or in the US balance of […]
Video & Presentation Slide: US Economy
The Global Economy, US Economy Video | 28th April 2021Presentation slide for US Economy webinar, 28th April 2021. The US now seems at last to be ‘getting on top’ of Covid 19, and its economy is now on the receiving end of a large volume of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus – Saul will look at the impact on US economic growth, inflation, the […]
US Economy: Part 3 A Huge Fiscal Stimulus
The Global Economy, US Economy Video, Video | 28th April 2021Presentation slide for US Economy webinar, 28th April 2021. The US now seems at last to be ‘getting on top’ of Covid 19, and its economy is now on the receiving end of a large volume of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus – Saul will look at the impact on US economic growth, inflation, the […]
US Economy: The risk of inflation
The Global Economy, US Economy Video, Video | 28th April 2021Presentation slide for US Economy webinar, 28th April 2021. The US now seems at last to be ‘getting on top’ of Covid 19, and its economy is now on the receiving end of a large volume of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus – Saul will look at the impact on US economic growth, inflation, the […]
US Economy: Part 5 The New Monetary Policy Paradigm
The Global Economy, US Economy Video, Video | 28th April 2021Presentation slide for US Economy webinar, 28th April 2021. The US now seems at last to be ‘getting on top’ of Covid 19, and its economy is now on the receiving end of a large volume of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus – Saul will look at the impact on US economic growth, inflation, the […]