The Global Economy
Australia may be an island continent, but it is no more immune to global economic influences than are other countries which share physical borders with their nearest neighbours. Australia is very much exposed to global swings in commodity prices, and to fluctuations in major advanced economies and (increasingly) to business cycles in key emerging economies such as China. Australia’s financial markets are increasingly integrated with the their global counterparts. And Australian economic policy-makers cannot ignore changes in monetary, fiscal and other economic policy settings in the world’s major economies. Hence, an awareness of trends in the global economy is an essential element of understanding Australian economic conditions.
Key issues for the global and Australian economies in 2017
The Australian Economy, The Global Economy | 7th February 2017Presentation to the International CEO Forum – Melbourne, 7th February 2017
Ten Things to Watch in 2017
Publications, The Global Economy | 24th January 2017Ten things that could move global or Australian financial markets in 2017 – originally written for Jamieson Coote Bonds (of whose advisory board I’m a member), and also published on Livewire.
Market reaction to Donald Trump’s apparent victory in US Presidential election
The Global Economy | 9th November 2016Saul Eslake | The Conversation | 9th November 2016 An assessment published on The Conversation, 9th November 2016. Donald Trump has emerged as the winner in the US Presidential election, but even before the result was clear the prospect came as a profound shock to financial markets. As I wrote last month, financial markets had […]
The Economic Consequences of Mr Trump Presentation
The Global Economy | 2nd November 2016Presentation to a ‘Lighthouse Leadership Series’ luncheon hosted by the Western Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Perth, WA, on 2nd November 2016. The title is an intentional allusion to a series of articles by John Maynard Keynes which appeared in the London Evening Standard in July 1925, discussing the consequences of Churchill’s decision […]
The World Today – a Global Macro-economic Perspective
The Global Economy | 15th September 2016Presentation To HL Morrison & Co Infrastructure Conference 2016, Millbrook Resort, Queenstown, New Zealand – 15th September 2016
The New World of Economic Disruptors – from Brexit to Trump
The Global Economy | 16th August 2016Presentation to First Samuel Limited’s annual Client Forum, Melbourne, 16th August 2016
Is the World Economy Facing ‘Secular Stagnation’?
The Global Economy | 16th June 2014Paper presented to the International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists (ICCBE), Oslo, Norway, 16th June 2014
Germany’s economic and political generals are fighting the wrong war
Publications, The Global Economy | 25th November 2011Op-ed article published in the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers, 25th November 2011